Sunday, July 26, 2009

EVP's from the Highgate Manor

Starting from the first one:

This was directly after I asked the spirit we were communicating with to knock over a flashlight I set on the immediately responds with this...what appears to be saying "Melissa, help me"

The "girl (short)" is a voice we all audibly heard, tho it seemed more like a laugh when we were right there...but this is what the audio recorder caught...

The Knocking happened in an upstairs room where I asked an older man who was present to knock on the wall 3 times to show us that he was there...I knocked 3 times to show him what to do...we didnt hear anything while we were there, but after reviewing the audio when I got home I found these...3 small knocks, after my 3 knocks...

This is the craziest EVP I have ever heard...This was taken while we were down stairs...I have no idea what she is saying, but non of us were talking at this time...